Guess what! I went to Canada in January. I bet you already knew that though. Now I'm going to tell you all about all of it, which sounds like it could be insanely boring to me, but people keep telling me they enjoy reading what I write, and then I feel guilty for not doing it more often, so this is what you get!! Blame only yourselves!!
My trip started on Friday, January 10. I woke up at 2am, got on a bus to the airport at Seoul, and got on a plane to Tokyo. In Japan I bought lots of kit kat bars and things flavoured like green tea, and then I got on another plane. I rolled into Toronto sometime on Friday afternoon, only a few short hours after leaving Tokyo(official time). Really it was like 11 hours later. I stayed in Toronto that first weekend, hoping to catch some friends who were only in town for a handful of days at the same time as me. Mostly I was drinking, eating or sleeping and also checking out all of the beautiful people who call Toronto home. So. Many. Good looking. People.
Feeling overwhelmed with good looking people, I decided to go to Waterloo (aww snap!). My kindly brother gave me a ride in his fancy new phantom grey mobile. Met Dad who gave me a lift as far as Exeter, and drove the rest of the way to Mom's in Bayfield. Would you believe I didn't actually spend more than like 10 minutes in Clinton the whole time I was home? Crazy.
That week I had designated family week. A couple days in Bayfield, (ps Bayfield in January is stupid, lesson learned). A day at Grandma Thompson's house to hang out with my Dad's family (my little cousins have mullets and beards and I'm clearly old). And a couple days in Petrolia to see my Mom's family, where my cousins are buying houses and having babies (definitely I am old). This brings us to Saturday. On Saturday, I curled with my mother, grandmother and a few more relatives. I haven't curled in 10 years. And, despite what you probably think, curling is SUPER physically demanding. After 2 games, I was pretty sure I was going to die. I was very, VERY sore for the next 2-3 days. Grandma made fun because of course she was fine. After a nice house warming party at my cousin's place, I started my journey back towards Toronto.
On Sunday night I moved into my friend Tzazna's and made myself at home on her couch. This was homebase for the next week to come. That week is a blur...I met up with so many great and old and wonderful friends. I was squeezing in 3-4 eating hangouts a day. I was committed to both the hang out and the eating like a champion, if I do say so myself. The only downside: that STUPID POLAR VORTEX. What the crap Canada!? Anyway, Toronto in a nutshell: friends, food, drinks, COLD, shopping, beautiful people.
Then I spent the remainder of my days hanging out with family. And also packing all the crap I bought. And buying more food to pack.Then I got on a plane on Friday, January 31...I think that's the right date? Yessss. Flew to Japan, ate some noodles, saw a temple, slept for a few hours, then flew the rest of the way to Seoul. The Tim Hortons doughnuts I had taken a risk on did NOT survive the 38 hour journey...all the icing melted off :(. Oh welll. Worth a shot.
To summarize:
My 3 weeks at home flew by, I could have used a couple more. I still love Toronto and don't think I'm done with it quite yet, I just wish there was a little more going on there as far as money making goes. Canada is cold, I'm never visiting in Winter ever again. Ever. Snow is still gross. I miss all the food that isn't Korean food.My Grandma made me cry and then she made everybody cry. Canadian beer is soooo goooood. My brother is a think. I left my cheese curds in Exeter. I know so many wonderful people and I hope we can all keep being able to get together when we have the chance!!
Much love Canada. That was a muchly needed break from my current unreality. Don't change or go anywhere! Unless it's to come visit meee!!